Maybe the message this little fairy is sending will serve as a reminder. Seems simple doesn't it? Maybe not so much in practice but it's certainly a good goal.

But it doesn't hurt to try to stop and see if what we're about to say to someone else is loving or at least uplifting instead of serving the cause of tearing down. And you could say that in order to be truly authentic we need to experience the full range of emotions. Believe me, I don't always make that choice in every moment. Not to get up on a soapbox but it really is a personal choice to spread love or at least good feelings. If you look around, it's obvious we could use a lot more of them. But the fact that Valentine's Day is so popular tells you that we need a day like this. If I wanted to be cynical, I could say that the greeting card companies actually chose it. I find it fascinating that humans choose one day a year specifically for the purpose of spreading love. I thought she was delivering just the right sweet message to grace a Hershey chocolate bar (or any other kind) for Valentine's Day. I fell in love with this cute Valentine fairy the second I saw her.